Category Announcements

Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture for BBA students on “Digital Marketing” by Mr. Ejaz Khan & Mr. Arij, CADD Centre,Synergy School of Business skills,Aligarh on February 29, 2020.


Guest lecture

Guest lecture on “Essentials in Digital Marketing” by Mr. Tariq,Synergy Programme, CADD Centre, Aligarh On October 19, 2019 .


Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture for creating awareness regarding “Cancer” was conducted for students of ABCGS On October 12, 2019.


Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture on “College-to-Corporate” was conducted by Mr. Mediratta Vaibhav IIT/IIM trainer on October 10,2019.


PTM for BBA I Semester

An interaction meet(PTM) was conducted on October 4,2019 for BBA-I semester.


Guest Lecture

A guest lecture on “Water Conservation & No to Plastic-Need of Hour” by Dr. Sheeba Jilani, Department of Chemical engineering, ZHCET,AMU Aligarh on September 30 ,2019.


Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture for BBA students on September 21 ,2019 by Mr. Saad Hameed.


Recruitment Drive for BBA Students by TIKONA Infinet(P) Ltd.

Recruitment drive TIKONA Infinet(P) Ltd. was conducted on October 26,2018.


Industrial Visit at Yakult,Sonipat by BBA-III sem

Industrial Visit at Yakult,Sonipat by BBA-III Semester students on 17/08/2018.


Guest Lecture

Lecture on “Public Health Challenges in India:New Reflections” by Professor Mohammad Akram, Deptt. of Sociology,A.M.U.,Aligarh on February 24, 2018.
